Two events conspired to change my mind about blogging anonymously. The first was an invitation to join the stable of writers over at the Valve. The second was this comment over at Cliopatria:
True and False Repentance, II: Acephalous, a notorious pseudonymite, known to hang out at shady dives like Easily Distracted and The Valve, got a nod yesterday from Sharon Howard's History Carnival #9. Sez ‘e: "Random accolades from a professional historian ... is there anything a literary historicist covets more? (Hint: ‘No.')" We're glad to hear that recognition by historians steels Acephalous's nerve to come out of the closet and reveal his or her identity. Go, and pseudonym no more!
Real historians and, well, real literary historians have real names. Now I do too.
Holy doodles, Acephalous, you stirred up yourself a little hornet's nest over at the Valve.
In other news, I think it's expressions like "holy doodles" that make me a very lame Viking.
Posted by: Herjólf the Forgettable | Friday, 03 June 2005 at 12:38 PM
That's what you get for not being a medievalist like me (or married to one like Acephalous). The Viking algorithm hates you. As well it should. But I like you, if it's any consolation...
Posted by: Hrólf the Violent , One Mean Faggot | Friday, 03 June 2005 at 06:57 PM
I can't remember how, but I had determined your identity prior to your formal unveiling. So (I think) your pseudonymity wasn't all that well protected before.
Posted by: ben wolfson | Monday, 06 June 2005 at 09:42 AM
It wasn't. I outed myself earlier when I linked to (another) awful essay I'd written years ago.
Posted by: A. Cephalous | Monday, 06 June 2005 at 01:14 PM