Michael Bérubé mentioned somewhere that he would be attending Jeffrey Williams and Scott McLemee's panel on the relation of journalism to the humanities. I thought to myself: "What a wonderful opportunity to meet someone I've read daily and corresponded with occasionally the past nine months." Holbo and I sat down in the front row and with a subtlety born of never having to be especially subtle, looked around to see if Michael was there. Here is the picture of the person I (and I imagine John also) was looking for.
Never saw him.
After the panel John and I are walking with Williams, McLemee and fellow panelist David Shumway to a resteraunt to continue the post-panel discussion and I mention that I was disappointed I didn't get to meet Michael.
Williams looks at me and says "He was sitting right next to you."
My eyes bug out. "Right next to us?"
"Sure. He was the guy who asked whether we should let Vincent Leitch back into the room." (There had been a "disturbance" in the room next door. More on that in the summary of the panel itself.)
I think to myself: The guy with the beard and no name tag, who made an incredibly witty remark before letting Leitch back into the room and who Shumway kept pointing to when he praised the work Michael has done on his blog.
That was him?
For obvious reasons, then, I think I will cease posting updates of individual panels until I sleep for at least four hours in a row. Then it is off to the races. Again.
Diem perdidi
Posted by: Mart | Thursday, 29 December 2005 at 02:04 PM
I had a Bérubé sighting today: this morning, about 8:58 a.m., in the lobby of the Marriott Wardman Park. I wish I could have said hi, but I had to run to an interview.
Posted by: Clancy | Thursday, 29 December 2005 at 06:32 PM