Thursday, 12 January 2006

Why Some Subaltern Should Not Speak Overheard in the hall outside my office today: Student #1: Then that asshole from my Asian American studies class said I didn't respect him 'cause he was Asian American. Student #2: But you're half-fucking-Vietnamese. Student #1: You think that'd matter? He'd start spouting shit about me being the child of like colonial imperialism American nationalism. Student #2: So what'd you tell him? Student #1: I didn't say nothing. I should've said 'Look you smug fuck, you think people don't respect you 'cause you're Asian American but no one likes you because you're an asshole. I'm not silencing your voice or oppressing you. I just want you to shut the fuck up about the politics of why no one listens to you when no one listens to you because you're such a fucking asshole.' Fuck! I can't be entirely certain, but I think this strange theoretical fluency may be peculiar to Irvine. To overhear theoretically sophisticated undergraduates complaining about the illegitimate theoretical assumptions of another undergraduate isn't something that happens on college campuses across the country. Or is it? Or is my calling these students "theoretically sophisticated" a bit of an exaggeration? It certainly is. But they're by no means necessarily less sophisticated than the ideologue whose behavior they so colorfully declaimed. I could spin my own yarn about the deeper significance of this conversation, but it would only recapitulate the Fifty-Seventh of Scott's Distributive Characterological Population Lemmata: Number of People You Know/2 = Number of Assholes You Know

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