"Some modern travellers still pretend to find Acephalous people in America." Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopædia; or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences, 1753
King Kong Redux; or, My First Open Thread (More Grist, More Milling)
Since many people seem disinclined to add additional weight to the already (and appropriately) massive Kong comment thread, I hereby create another in which you may discuss the grist your mill can't refine.
Oh, I don't know, Scott. The whole King Kong discussion already seems so this morning.
Nonetheless, can I suggest that the film really does complicate the line about beauty killing the beast? The parallel Skull Island/ Empire State Bldg vistas suggest that Kong was seduced as much by lovely sunsets as by a pratfalling Naomi Watts. Elaine Scarry, white courtesy phone.
Posted by: Michael Bérubé | Friday, 06 January 2006 at 03:40 PM
Given that I've been reading about operant conditioning all morning, I'm tempted to think of Skull Island and Manhattan as giant Skinner-Boxes with sunsets and/or Watts as the discriminitive stimuli. I'm not sure what the actual reward is, but I imagine it's spectacular.
Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman | Friday, 06 January 2006 at 03:54 PM
My questions is, would we respond to Kong differently if instead of a male gorilla he had been a giant female golden retriever?
Posted by: MT | Friday, 06 January 2006 at 07:30 PM
so the view from the top of the respective peaks is just as pretty as Naomi Watts. Either way, he's still killed by "beauty".
But in the end, isn't this thread just perpetuating the myth that this remake was good? I think we should end discussion of the movie before Peter Jackson gets the idea that he should waste another three hours of my life.
Posted by: Jon McGee | Friday, 13 January 2006 at 09:29 PM