Wednesday, 15 March 2006

That First Post; or, Glory Be, a Babe of Future Renown is Born! What do we say when we begin to blog? After an exhaustive survey this afternoon, I'm happy to inform you that, generally speaking, the answer is nothing. But damn do we ever do it self-consciously. The humble origins of future giants amused me most. Crooked Timber introduced itself with an apology for not apologizing and an admission of its insignificance: The bringing of a new blog before the public is a practice now so common as scarce to need an apology. Nevertheless, such lists, assemblages, diaries, complaints, lamentations, polemics and records of triumph and disaster are now so common and so diverse that new entrants into the field must perforce struggle to be noticed. Future Crooked Timber contributors but then unknown-expat-analytic-philosopher John Holbo and his AWOL ABD partner Belle Waring opened John & Belle by declaring that they didn't "want to look like big retards." They closed with a declaration of love for their "sole reader." Compare that to John's holbonic first post on The Valve and you'll see the effect minor internet celebrity has on one's once humble ambitions. (Not uninteresting are the identities of the Valve's first two commenters. Similarly not uninteresting is the Crooked Timber post which gave birth to the Valve. Who wants to play "Guess the Future Valve Contributors?" Half of them are there from the get-go. I'm surprised John didn't ask Adam to join.) John had a plan. Other bloggers were bored. With nothing better to do at 10:13 p.m. one night in April 2002, Atrios asked the world "Is this thing on?" Exactly fifteen minutes later he wondered how long it will be until literally dozens of people are reading this on an almost monthly basis. At 12:37 a.m. on 6 July 2004, Bitch Ph.D. informed the world that The events are real. The thoughts are my own. But the names have been changed to protect the guilty and the innocent. Is there some significance to these late-night beginnings? Do some types of people start particular types of blogs while suffering from insomnia? This particular pairing suggests the answer's a firm "No." (Then again, there does seem to be something to the fact that many conservative blogs are early morning births. They wake up one morning and decide to remake the world in their image. Someone has to make sure the trains run on time. Who better than them?) I've gathered many more examples, but I'm too tired to list 'em all tonight. Instead I'll point to the first post here, entitled "Yes, But Is It Radical." In it, you'll note that my staunch support homosexuality had been temporarily overwhelmed by my loathing of hippies. An email had come over the departmental listserv indicating that there'd be a "Radical Faerie" retrospective on campus later that week and I couldn't contain myself. At the tail end of three months of chemotherapy . . . angry at the world and my place in it . . . I exploded. I threw up a test post...
Graduate Students Love Fun Too Over the CLCWEGSA1 listserv this afternoon I learned that a faculty member had graciously agreed to donate her old junk to furnish the future "graduate student lounge." According to the email, "She says she has a nice futon, some rungs, and a few more ideas to make it a more comfortable space." My first response? Thank the lady for luxurious ideas. But then I thought about her offer of "rungs." Because what this graduate student community really needs is a jungle gym. Freshman have their "fifteen." Graduate students know how to multiply. I decided that in addition to rungs, the Graduate Student Lounge of the Future could stand for some swings. Swinging invigorates both mind and body! If we're gonna have rungs and swings we oughta have monkey bars too. Sure there's something inherently racist about the African-American students swinging on the monkey bars, but who cares? I'm talking about monkey bars here people. Monkey Bars. What hunched graduate student wouldn't disavow Derrida after a few hours of monkey bar-induced glee? (Besides the closeted Republican one, since he obviously hates fun. Why else become Republican?) Nothing could improve a graduate student lounge with rungs and swings and monkey bars. Except a slide. So I sprung into action and formed the CLCWEGSA Wants Monkey Bars and a Slide Committee. Our first meeting is tomorrow. I anticipate the Swing Faction will complain about their marginalization. But don't worry. If they don't like it they can take a long slide down a short . . . slide. [1] Comparative Literature Creative Writing English Graduate Student Association, pronounced "click-weg-sa" and hands down the worst acronym ever devised by people with ostensible mastery of the English language.

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