The joke isn't even mine. But someone has ventured over here from Long Sunday approximately too-many-times-to-count tonight so I'll venture a reprint. Jodi suggested the creation of Department of Piracy Studies. I provided some ink for their brochure:
Scholars of Piracy Studies explore and develop theoretical models to analyze, critique, and plunder cultural forms and social relations in order to create geographically transgressive symbolic categories of race, gender, and ethnic identity. The goal of the Piracy Studies Institute is to promote the study of shared assumptions, problems, and commitments of the various piratanical discourses. Begun largely in response to extraordinary changes in the 'humane sciences,' both in terms of methodological complexity and interdisciplinary orientation, the PSI seeks to bring about a confrontation among the disciplines with the aim of furthering the figurative and literal rape of all land-locked peoples irrespective of race, class, or gender. The PSI sanctions methodological and murderological diversity in the critical reconsideration of the rearticulations and recombinations of all them put to the knife. The PSI also sponsors two mini-seminars each year, given by scholars from outside the PSI who invite students to participate in their raids-in-progress in a series of a one- to two-week seminars at undisclosed locations up-and-down the Eastern Seaboard.
Now you can get your Piracy Studies right from the secondary source and Bob's your uncle!
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