Tuesday, 03 April 2007

Welcome to Acephalous Identity Publishing Get published on the Internet! Acephalous Identity is concentrating its publishing efforts on the short blog post market. We are compiling short blog posts into blogs that will combine the efforts of well-known bloggers and famous internet celebrities alongside new upcoming bloggers. Our blogs are arranged to provide the reader the enjoyment and variety of classic short blog posts along with more contemporary ones. If you find pleasure in reading and writing short blog posts you have found the perfect publishing house. Acephalous Identity is committed to quality short blog posts having intellectual merit. We are constantly looking for a variety of short blog posts to be assembled into one of our upcoming blogs and eagerly await to read each submission. Bloggers submit your short blog posts to us for publication consideration. We are continually searching for short blog posts from new rising stars and established bloggers of short blog posts. Get published with Acephalous Identityand one day your short blog post may be on one of our blogs. Welcome back to the world of short blog post entertainment. Our Blogs have been Featured on Sitemeter! Now Available for reading! If you want to be a published blogger on one of our upcoming blogs, get published with Acephalous Identity. Meet some of Our Authors: Sherry Livingston giving a brief reading of her post "Just the Apple Juice, This Officer Said" at a library. Ryan Dove reading his post "A Rising Star: The Ryan Dove Story: Part I" at a different library. Amanda Perry reading "And When the Children Forget about Laughing They Will Also Forget How to Sing with Their Hearts" with her children and inspiration at a local bar and restaurant. Randy Picard, co-author of "And When the Children Forget about Laughing They Will Also Forget How to Sing with Their Hearts," reading at a different local bar and restaurant. Jenny Harrison reading "The Outfielder on the Mound Will Have Been Crying Now For Very Last Time" at another local bar and restaurant. Kathy Parker reading "Growing Up Pretty Despite What Happened" at one of her favorite local bars and restaurants. Great Writing Tips For Those Who Would Like To Get Published On The Internet What is a short blog post and more importantly, what makes a good short blog post. Short blog posts tend to be more concise and succinct and to the point than longer blog posts. Because they are so concise with precision, successful short blog posts rely on literary devices like words, sentences, paragraphs and insight to a greater extent than longer blog posts. Writing a blog post is an easy way to become familiar with the processing of writing blog posts to get published. The short blog post can take on many different forms and one should allow them a measurable degree of creative control regarding format and structure. Developing an idea for your post is the first step. Choose an idea that excites you and ignites some passion and then define it with...

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