A quick comment about this giddy-inducing item: I'm 99.99 percent certain the email is legitimate, but I'm tempering my giddiness because the writer who contacted me called it a "draft" and said it would be "pitched."
Call me biased, but it'd easily be the best bit in the whole entire history of The Daily Show. Mr. Leibowitz and friends would be daft to pass up the opportunity ... to produce a feeling of Schadenfreude so intense scientists would declare it impossible had they but the instruments to measure.
I should thank Andrew Sullivan, Scott McLemee, Joshua Glenn, and someone at Salon for bringing this here humble blog to the attention of my betters. Even if it doesn't happen, at least the emotional uplift it provided demonstrates that sometimes blogs get positive results.*
* Holbo's links don't work because I took those posts down. I'll slap them back up someday and somehow for the sake of the historical record ... because before you know it, some ardent soul will be writing my biography. No need to make his or her life more difficult.
There are two kinds of people in the word: those who have this stuff happen to them for no discernible reason, and those who don't. For whatever reason, you've been blessed/cursed by God. Be thankful/spiteful for your luck/bad-karma.
Posted by: Adam K. | Tuesday, 03 July 2007 at 10:31 PM
It's not for no discernible reason, really, any of the times. For this time, there is evidently a niche for the blogger who puts together a list of historical quotes that bear on a current moment of hypocrisy -- the kind of thing that Billmon used to do. For the last time (the Casper incident), I thought that it was clear that it was about to happen (although I didn't know who would do it, or exactly how it would manifest), and tried to warn Scott, a bit too late. For the previous times, Scott's a good writer with relevant literary journalism study.
Posted by: Rich Puchalsky | Tuesday, 03 July 2007 at 10:48 PM
Congrats Scott. Odd that you, a member of a decadent fifth column, should receive the beneficent attention of Old Bell Curve Sullivan himself.
Posted by: Karl Steel | Tuesday, 03 July 2007 at 10:55 PM
Glenn calls you "the prolific intellectual blogger", which is nicely ambiguous between 'writes a lot of blog posts' and 'is prolifically intelligent'.
Posted by: Adam Roberts | Wednesday, 04 July 2007 at 03:08 AM