Monday, 28 April 2008

Post Like Glenn Reynolds Day I hereby declare Monday, April 28th to be Post Like Glenn Reynolds Day. Why would I inflict such horrors upon you? Why would I force myself and encourage others to condense everything into a single sentence and a judgmental exhalation? Laziness. Lack of time to read people I dearly love to read. Profound wonder what happens to thought when you carve it up like that. I'm serious about the third reason up there. I don't think disjointedly. Digressiveness is a disease, certainly, but my digressions tend to epic irrelevance.* I never stop thinking about something seconds after I've started. Granted, my conclusions range from the painfully obvious to the shockingly mundane more often than not, but my stupidity is hard-scrabbled. Tomorrow I'll discover whether Glenn Reynolds has found an easier path to rank folly. The results should speak for themselves. The rules are simple: Posts must consist of no more than three sentences. The first and second sentences must be descriptive. Their should approximate what the willfully naive mistake for objectivity. The topic should be indicated The third sentence must be evasively judgmental and no longer than two words. These words must ooze pomposity even if they consist of nothing more intellectual than the ambiguous grunt of a sheepish atavism. Should any of you care to inflict my experiment upon yourself, send me a line and I'll collect your dread menagerie in a post tomorrow evening. *Does the Wharton chapter really benefit from a prolonged discussion of John Payne Collier’s 1835 New Facts Regarding the Life of Shakespeare in a Letter to Thomas Amyot, Esq. F.R.S. Treasurer of the Society of Antiquaries?

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