Update. If you came from over here, you need to note two things: first, that Patrick's only talking about the title of my post, which is odd, because in the body of the post the sarcasm of the title becomes absolutely clear. So clear, the clarification below is really only for people who only read the title of my original post. Second, Patrick completely ignores the argument of both the original post and this one. Make what you will of his silence as regards anything other than the sarcastic title of the original post.
Update 2. My oh my, but is Jeff Goldstein an idiot. He believes that this post is a response not to the post linked to and discussed at length in it, but to something Darleen wrote. (I suppose he doesn't know what "a side note" is.) Also, in another bit of proof of him having quit me, he stops posting get-rich-quick schemes and writes a diatribe against someone or other. (No link, though, to avoid generating an automatic trackback.)
Via an email conversation, it's come to my attention that if you only read the title of this post, you'd come away with the impression that I was slagging Ed Morrissey for race-baiting. Because that charge is so loaded, I want to make it absolutely clear that I wasn't. As the body of the post makes plain, I was pointing out that conservative bloggers are in the unenviable position of race-baiting by default, because no matter what grounds they criticize Obama on, a vocal portion of their commentariat will respond with unveiled racism.
The example in that post was how a debate over the definition of "diagnosis" devolved into 1) a series of racially-charged remarks about the appearance of Michelle Obama, and 2) a series of complaints that such remarks were being deleted by a moderator eager to distance himself from the racism of his readers.
By virtue of the fact that anything Ed Morrissey and his ilk write will bait racists into revealing themselves in the comments, every post of his is race-baiting. I mean that not as a condemnation of Morrissey, but of the vocal subsect of the conservative commentariat who force writers like Morrissey into the unenviable position of race-baiting by default. Were I forced into a situation in which every word I wrote required a strongly-worded caveat about not responding like a racist, I'm not sure what I do (or even if I could continue to write).
It goes without saying that not every critique of the administration is racially motivated. Nor am I even saying that every critique made by openly racist groups is racially motivated—a devout klansman might object to the stimulus on sound philosophical principle—but I am saying that a swath of the conservative commentariat is increasingly annoyed that other conservatives are muzzling their brazenly recidivist reasons for criticizing the current administration.
On a side note, I found a video of Darleen Click and William Jacobson refuting my previous posts on race:
I'm not exactly sure why they thought doing that would undermine my argument; then again, as they still think I argued that Palin's audience was composed of racists, there's no reason to expect them to behave like rational people do.
I think we both knew going into the deal there was some small risk we might chance upon a touch of the unveiled racism. Me I at least kind of saw it coming.
But I'm not sure what the point of cataloging it is exactly?
Also it's absurd to act like the labor union-infested Democratic party isn't chock full of racists.
Posted by: happyfeet | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 05:53 PM
Funny how bloggers like Special Ed and Darleen "I have a government union job with great benefits but I'm a Capitalist, honest!" Click can find the time to delete posts they disagree with but somehow can't find the time to delete the blatantly racist ones.
Posted by: Richard Pennyfarthing | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 05:58 PM
please to be finding me a blatantly racist comment what Darleen hasn't deleted?
also I don't get how it's 2009 and people still get mixed up between posts and comments
Posted by: happyfeet | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 06:02 PM
I think it is rather sporting to read SEK, juxtaposed with video of SEK available on youtube.
It's quite amazing how you'll get all worked up about someone who is semi-anonymous on the internet, and then see how that person presents himself to the world, at which time you exhale and figure to yourself "no one would listen to that unkempt incense/urine smelling wierdo anyhow" while a sudden sense of self-satisfied calm washes over you.
Happyfeet - rinse, repeat and you'll feel better.
Posted by: Alec Leamas | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 06:29 PM
I don't understand exactly but if you think it will help
Posted by: happyfeet | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 06:44 PM
Alec/Cliff, I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you calling me "semi-anonymous" and referring to this and this as evidence that I'm unkempt. Because using my full name, so that people don't confuse me with others, doesn't seem "semi-anonymous," and calling an academic with a short beard and short hair isn't, by the standards of academic male grooming habits, the least bit unkempt. (Even that sweater had been washed no more than three months ago! And I used Febreeze!)
But I'm not sure what the point of cataloging it is exactly?
Well, it undermines the reverse-racism jujitsu Jeff taught Darleen to do, for one thing, because the existence of actual racists countermands the post-racial narrative Jeff and Darleen require to perform it. (By which I mean, they need to be able to say that there aren't any racists anymore in order to claim that liberals are the real racists for noticing the race of people who oppose affirmative action, etc.)
Posted by: SEK | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 07:19 PM
And crap. I forgot to put the link below the fold, so the automatic trackback automatically tracked back again. (Although, given that it causes JD to go a little spastic, maybe I should do it just to annoy him.)
Posted by: SEK | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 07:21 PM
"Well, it undermines the reverse-racism jujitsu Jeff taught Darleen to do"
Darleen's mind can't wrap itself around the fact that 80+% of Jewish Americans vote for the Democrats every election.
Be nice if Jeff could come up with some comforting lie to help her deal with all them race traitors.
Posted by: Richard Pennyfarthing | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 08:03 PM
That JD may be more of a jackass than happyfeet
Posted by: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 09:01 PM
subsect. I love it.
Posted by: JLR | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 09:58 PM
Also it's absurd to act like the labor union-infested Democratic party isn't chock full of racists.
Weird hyphens there. And HF I think you might be caught in a time warp. It's not 1969 anymore. Anyhoo, I'm in a labor union, and so far as I can tell, it's, uh, infested with Democrats, but not racists. If your point, HF, is that the Venn Diagram describing the overlap between racists and Democrats is identical to that for racists and Republicans, well, you have a long row to hoe. Ho ho ho.
Posted by: Karl Steel | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 11:10 PM
The sun rising causes JD to go spastic. Not as spastic as happyfeet, though. Probably the heroin chills him out some.
Posted by: Josh E. | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 11:20 PM
Darleen is nothing but a loud mouth loser. Well she's more, but I've called her so much more than I feel no need to repeat it.
Posted by: thor | Sunday, 29 November 2009 at 11:51 PM
Karl Steel, it was SEIU that committed that N Word shouting black man assaulting horror on St Louis. That shit doesn't come from the GOP... basically at all.
Also, you suck at punctuation, so maybe relax on correcting people for that crap.
Posted by: Deirdre Ewing | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 12:52 AM
Oh the horror!
It was a devout Sarah Palin worshiper that charged into the Holocaust Museum in D.C. and shot the first black man he saw.
If you wave a Don't Tread on Me flag in someone's face you're just begging to get tread on where I come from.
Posted by: thor | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 01:02 AM
"Don't tell Bill Maher, but the vote among the white electorate in Alabama for president elect Barack Obama was the lowest in the county at only 10 percent.
From an analysis by MSNBC:
"We took a look at Obama's performance with white voters in all 50 states. In 13 of them, Obama received less than 35% of the white vote. His three lowest performing states: Alabama (10%), Mississippi (11%), and Louisiana (14%). "
Posted by: Richard Pennyfarthing | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 01:07 AM
The problem I have there Mr. SEK is that you sort of have a construction there where perceived racisms (bad) on the part of Team R is good for Team D. The conflicts of interest are very very... it's like those climate change fraudsters almost, potentially.
Let's see if we can't find a win-win here.
Posted by: happyfeet | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 01:20 AM
and no JD is not more of a jackass than me I promise but he can be awfully insouciant
Posted by: happyfeet | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 01:22 AM
Without taking anything away from Deirdre's point that hyphen business kind of bugged me too...
Posted by: happyfeet | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 01:43 AM
Forgiving that Darleen’s persona is that of enraged sputtering hag, forgiving that to imagine her is to imagine a large woman in a flowered smock spinning in circles while madly swinging her flabby arms at the omnipresent Progressive oppressors in her head, I’m going on the record and declaring her as simply fuckin’ deranged.
And by deranged I’m not just talking about your average paranoiac, the type you shake by the shoulders to break-up a loud conversation they’re having with themselves, the type that look back at you with terror in their eyes because it takes ‘em a minute to figure out who you are and why you’re shaking them. I’m talking a new age type of derangement that requires the cutting off of the outside world and a small smoke-filled room where reality and escapist lunacy are in constant blur. I’m describing a full addiction to enthusiastic lunacies that send internet bloggers to the verge, but, alas, where their derangement is laid bare.
We’ve all been witness to Darleen’s preposterous horseshit-filled narrations on topics that she can’t quite find the specifics in which to satisfy the educated. But for deranged Darleen what trumps any and all facts, or lack thereof, is a clever cover of holding one’s self out as a crackpot Prog-destroyer mystic who is smugly superior in every way to that of those who openly laugh at her. Darleen’s crazed arguments never fail, in her mind at least, and it’s the Progs who attack and counterattack her fantasies that need to be destroyed, that’s all. All any deranged blogger need do is attack and delete a potent enemy’s comments so that - poof! - their enemy is destroyed once and for all. Darleen’s prog-as-enemy hallucinations are a brilliant diversion for her true derangement, or so she believes, I mean, fuck, let’s not forget she’s deranged.
I just love re-posting the infamous post that led to my banishment from PW.
At this time I'd like to thank SEK for allowing me freedom of speech, after all I'm an American patriot from the mostesty patriotic part of America. Thank you, SEK, my new non-racist bestest e-friend, thank you.
Yes people, other e-friends of SEK, I am that thor, the one who once regularly stomped on the stubby dicks of PW's bitterest racist a-holes. My legend has much swag. Enough swag in fact that some inspired fiends out there post under my old nick nowadays just to gloat in the knowing that every time Duuuuh-dar sees the word thor her flabby old tits drop another inch closer to hell. I shouldn't be proud of that, but I am, sort'a. I'm not guilty of anything, IMHO, it's not as if I'm responsible if people outside my direct sphere on influence make vicious claims and/or post unpleasant comments on PW. Maybe Darleen does perform nightly shows at a Tijuana trailer park, how am I to know, who am I to question such rumors. I don't start them is the point, well, not all of them. And maybe Jeff "Ghoster" Goldstein has been unfairly beaten about his head and face by thirty-million liberal-fascist cocks. Who am I to say he's a pedestrian paranoid addicted to a strange cocktail of beatnik aesthetics and self-victimhood synthesis. I don't even know what self-victimhood synthesis actually means, nor what Hegelian means, frankly. All depends on specificity with Hegel, early or latter, if you ask me. Back to my swag, my signature is sloppy metaphors and hard-swinging platitudes of the dark abyss and they are not easily imitated. Accept no imitations, pojalsta.
And I do know this, Darleen Click once said there was "no racism in America." I am also of the opinion she's a committed racist and a deranged woman. She's certainly not a modernist American patriot with a formal mind, I'll leave it at that.
Posted by: thor | Monday, 30 November 2009 at 03:11 AM