... Ann Althouse!
It seems to me that the President is the victim of his own ideas about how to do things differently. If he had graciously accepted the inheritance left by George Bush, he wouldn't have had either of these problems. He squandered an inheritance that he failed to value! Bush—despite his reputation for simplicity—did understand the complexity of the problem, and he had a solution. There was stability. After posturing about "change" in his political campaign, Barack Obama seemed to think that he could apply the immense power he had won to changing things in the real world.Shorter?
The President suffers from the delusion that he wants to do things differently. If he had just wanted to continue doing what Bush had done, he wouldn't have wanted to do things differently. Bush understood that stuff is hard, and he solved different hard stuff the same way every time. Obama said he wanted to solve different hard stuff differently during the election, and once he won it, he suckered himself into believing that he could wield the power he won to solve hard stuff his own way.Second-order shorter:
It seems to me that Ann Althouse often writes about ideas she does not have. If she had ideas, she would write about them instead of the having of them, but because she only writes about the having of them, no one ever knows what they are. Her posts are like pictures of laptops idling on tables at which no one works: ideas could potentially be communicated through them, but for now they deliver no actual content, only the low hum of pointlessly cycling hard drives.Warning: Because her name has appeared three times in this post, she will, of course, show up in the comments and claim that her vacuousness is actually a vortex into which someone has been sucked. (Someone should alert her to the definition of "vacuum" that doesn't involve suction.)
Well, you surely cannot deny that George W. Bush left his successor with quite an inheritance. Sadly, he failed to do the honorable thing and provide a free shovel along with it.
Posted by: Doctor Memory | Sunday, 31 January 2010 at 07:47 PM
Hi, I resent your referencing my vacuousness.
Kthxbye Ann.
Posted by: Erectile disfunction no more! | Sunday, 31 January 2010 at 07:50 PM
I've never, ever understood why anyone took Althouse seriously: her only value as a commenter was her supposed position as a moderate, which was patently untrue pretty much from the start. As I said at the other place:
If he had graciously accepted the inheritance left by George Bush...
Who in their right mind could actually write that sentence with a straight face?
I just clicked through.... there are times when the words "reeducation camp" just flash through your mind unbidden and unwelcome, but not irrationally.
Posted by: Ahistoricality | Sunday, 31 January 2010 at 07:54 PM