- One-Eye, a wolf
- White Fang, a wolf-dog
- Buck, a dog-wolf
- Earnest Everhard, a
porn stardead socialist revolutionary - Big-Tooth, a hominid
- Lop-Ear, his companion
- Red-Eye, an atavism
- Ab, a man of the Age of Stone
- Uk, a paleolithic literalist
- Oan, an early Shakespearean hack
- Wax-moth, an agent of creeping socialism
- Long-Beard, the sole survivor of a capitalism
- Afraid-of-the-Dark, one of his three nephews
- Deer-Runner, another
- Yellow-Head, the last of them
- Fith-Fith, failed chief of Long-Beard's ruined tribe
- Three-Legs, inventor of agriculture
- Pig-Jaw, father of domestication
- Big-Fat, née Twisted-Lip, discoverer of God
- Crooked-Eyes, corn liquor magnate
- The Bug, first minister of propaganda
- Tiger-Face, chief of the jointed staff
- Long-Fang, obviously doomed socialist revolutionary
- Split-Nose, professional scapegoat
No real punch-line here, other than I'm amazed I'm able to take myself seriously writing about these folk. (Or, possibly, an explanation as to why I really can't.) Sadly, this is my strongest chapter, the one that should be my writing sample and/or job talk, but I'm thinking I should go with something else, like the one in which I prattle on about a fish.
Crap. I'm never going to land a job, am I?
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